Current Issues, Thoughts

Wahai budak-budak


I just can’t stand to watch school boy yang lagi rendah dari adik ak yg berumur 11 thn pakai jersi ‘Berbatov’ nombor berape tah tu,tengah menghadap komputer free Wi-Fi kat Perpustakaan Negara tadi.Menghadap komputer tu tahan lagi.Tapi,langsung tak boleh nak terima yg bukan budak jersi ‘Berbatov’ je,tapi ramai antare diorang tengah bukak Facebook.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Kanak-kanak bawah umur layan Facebook??

Menghelas nafas panjang je la ak.

It’s not like it’s something 18+,but heyyyyy what the hell they use Facebook for anyway?Budak-budak lagi kot!Ade ape2 keperluan untuk bersosial sangat ke?Ade nak carik kawan2 lame ke?Umur tak cecah sekolah menengah lagi (at least!) Ak start layan bende2 cam Friendster pun mase sekolah menengah.And I’m sure most of my friends that I’ve known from school until know,are the same as me.Laaaaaahaaaaii budak-budak ni..Adoii!!!Nasib baik korang bukan adik-adik ak.Kalau tak…siap la…

Tapi,handphone pun dah reti gune mase sekolah rendah jugak kan.So,tak pelik la.Diorang2 ni ttbe gune Facebook gak.Friendster ape sume.Macam kacang je.Ak nak bagi ‘macam’ ape lagi pun dah takde idea.Sebab memang mase sekolah rendah I know nothing about internet.(Kalau setakat kat kelas IT tu tak payah la kot.Mase tu Windows 98 je.hahahaha.)YouTube pun reti.Jangan main-main!Video2 yang tak di flag kan boleh di view oleh sesiape je.YouTube tak mintak ‘Confirm Birth Date’.So…sekali lagi,nasib baik korang bukan adik-adik ak

Tau la dunia sekarang ni semua senang je.Internet wireless mane2 leh dapat.Kalau dulu dok gune la yg Dial-up tu.Memang jatuh semangat kalau nak surf internet sebab teramat lah lembab.Sekarang?Amboi!Carik MV la ape la kat YouTube an.Eyyy budak-budak ni…budak-budak oooiiii…!

Moden teknologi bukan alasan untuk kate,

Biase la..Sekarang kan macam-macam ade…Tak boleh nak salahkan diorang la kalau diorang tau benda2 ni mase kecik lagi…


Senang la nak bagi alasan dari menghadap masalah…

Masalahnye bukan teknologi tu,tapi timing salah.Ingat budak-budak ni reti ke buat keputusan yg betul.Yakinlah setinggi mane pun.Just remember how were we when we’re around that age.’Jiwa kacau’ konon.Sonic Youth la!hahaha.Tambah dgn benda2 menarik macam ni.Apatah lagi.

Alhamdulillah setakat ni my family are aware of these stuff.Kami akan menjaga adik kami dgn sebaik mungkin.Call me too protective.(Protective?Hmm.Not really the right word.)Tapi,ak percaya kami sgt komited.Semoga Allah berkati.Lindungilah keluarga anda.


Sempat Lagi Jawab Tag..

Special nye tag ni ialah sbb ak yg semangat nak jawab.Padahal takde sape yg tag ak.Kahkahkah.Thanks to Benzaldehyde!

Cara2nya :
1. Pergi ke tempat/partition yang anda simpan gambar.
2. Terus ke folder keenam.
3. Kemudian,pilih gambar yang keenam dalam folder tersebut.
4. Taruklah gambar tuh dalam blog anda dan ceritakannya.
5. Cabar enam orang untuk menjawab tag anda.
6. letakkan link mereka dalam blog anda sebagai tanda yang anda mencabar mereka…

So…ak pun bukak folder Pictures,terus ke Folder ke-6………………Pilih gambar ke-6………

Kebetulan!Dapat folder ‘Cameron Highlands 09’ dan gambar ke-6 adalah gambar ak.

Padahal dalam folder tersebut ak simpan semua gambar.Kot2 berenti kat gambar orang lain kan.Tapi ak dpt gambar ak.Hehehe.

Dipersembahkan gambar yg agak poyo :

Gambar ke-6

Gambar ke-6

Nak cerita ape ha?


Location penggambaran di BOH Tea Plantations,Cameron Highlands.Nice place!Very nice.Ni tempat wajib utk family ak stop by on the way nak turun bawah.

Yang menangkap gambar ni ialah kakak ak,Sofiyyah.Seingat2 ak la…Benda bulat tu ialah Muffins Choc Chip.1 lagi tu tart buah kot.Hehe.Tak ingat.Yang ak ingat,harge die yg mahal2…Biasela kan.Tgk tempat la.Pelancong ramai.Huhuu.

Mase nye 2.54 ptg…pada 8 September 2009.

Suhu?Hahaha ak tak rekod pulak.Sejuk la tapi.Bape minit selepas gambar ni di ambil,hujan pun turun…So,bertambah sejuk.

Percutian ni antare yg paling seronok sbb abg sulung dan family nye pun ade…Sejak berkahwin,kalau tak silap ak ni la first time die dpt luangkan masa utk bercuti dgn kitorang.Dah 4  tahun.Huhu.Semoga Bahagia,abang. =)

Kesimpulannye,gambar ni tak bez pun.Agak poyo je gaye tangan tu.Lagi2 combination color baju dan tudung yang totally out.Baju 4KL ngan tudung biru yang ak baru beli kat Jalan TAR.

Oklah!Tammat.Will write again next time.Sambung bace Dr Jamal punye notes pule…

p/s:Beraya rumah saudara pun ak bantai baju 4KL gak…


Post Malas

Ak bakal menduduki peperiksaan akhir semester 1 bermula 27 Oktober ni.



Ble fikir betapa banyaknye yg ak x cover lagi,mmg ngeri.Tapi setakat ngeri camtu je la.Tak cukup nak membangunkan ak dr kerusi ni atau dr katil utk study.Macam ni je laaa..

Anyway,kali ni ade 8 paper yg mne ak rase weakest subject ak ialah Amalan Farmasi II.Kali ni ade calculations pulak.Hadoi.

Ak nak ltk gamba ucapan (konon) good luck kat sini tapi tak berjaya pulak.Uploader ni wat hal.So..

selamat berjaya utk semua student IPTA/S yg bakal amek exam (esp.) student farmasi batch 08/09,tak kira la korang uni mane pun..

*sume bakal pharmacists iAllah*

Ok.habis dah.Tulis post ni pun memakan masa ak yg patut digunekan utk study 1st paper nanti,Patologi Asas.Lebih baik ak bangun dari kerusi ni skang…!!

p/s: Dapat idea nak wat post good luck macam ni dari Nana.

Things, Thoughts



I apologize (to myself LOL) for not continuing my previous post.Sorry..apparently I’ve to search my notes to look for these quotes because most of the time I randomly write it together in my notes.So…

This post was named ‘Haiit!’, largely influenced by my mood and thinking these past hours.I just can’t contain myself.Even right now I’m smiling and smiling.Not really a word or exclamation that I use in real life.I don’t use ‘Haiit’ (is this really important??!).And,if anyone does notice,I don’t usually put more exclamation mark than 1 to end my sentences.

Again,largely influenced by Happy-Happy mood just now.

I just finished the thing that I haaaateeeee + benci + menyampah + caci + maki around 1.30pm today.My classmates and close friends here also felt the same.I mean,Helloooooo???We’re going to have the final exam in 2 weeks (tomorrow is the start of study week),plus all the presentations and lab reports that was submitted this week;we’ve been working day and night!!Seriously,I haven’t even reach 6 hours of sleep everyday this week.And now,what?Simulasi HM (Khidmat Masyarakat)?? For 3 days?? Compulsory?? OH MY GOD.

Dreadful.I can’t stop from *cursing* this Simulasi thing from the day it’s confirmed to be on Friday (16th Oct). And the next dreadful + sad is that my oldest sister is going to have her (2nd big) day on 17th Oct. My home is like, 15mins from here. I can’t go because of this thing.Again,OH MY GOD for the hundredth time.

My first impression of this Simulasi is just that – Total Spoiler!!!!!Although I know that may change in the next minute    ( tend to change thoughts and impression about something easily).Depends on the situation. Most of the time, a small bunch of good/close friends can make the day change from super-bad to super-nice.

I don’t want to tell all of the stuff that happens in these 3 days,I’ll just summarise.Hehe.

All in all,these 3 days changed from super-bad to super-nice primarily by my 2 KGs (only my friends understands this abbreviation. Heheheheheh) I’m soooooo happyyyyyy~~~~

*switch to Mother Tongue*

Ak seronok.Hepi.Bez.



Dalam hati je la tapi.hahaha.Mampus kalau tunjuk kat luar.Dari luar cool + diam2 je.Kahkahkah.Ak terasa poyo.Dah lama ak x terasa poyo.Bukan la.Tapi ak selalu mencuba untuk menjadi diri sendiri (ni pun AMAT poyo). Tapi kali ni memang fail.Banyak jugak la sebab hepi ni.Lebih dari 1.hahahah.Tapi yeah.Terima kasih berjuta kepada mereka yang menyebabkan simulasi HM ni dari menyampah kepada seronok  + kenangan baik.

TERIMA KASIH BERJUTAAAAA KEPADA ANDA!! walopon ak tau ko/korang takkan baca mende ni punye.tapi ak still harap ko/korang terbace

(walaupun 3 hari ni jugak hari yang menyedihkan ak.sebab lain.tapi tak perlu cerita kat cni)


subject to change_comp(edited)

Google Image Result for

Will post again next time.


And So They Say…

Lecturers are educators.They talk about so many things.About life,their experiences,and of course the subject that they teach.I find myself picking up their random ‘words of wisdom’  than anything else that they spoke about.Apparently these are much more interesting. =D

Might not be exactly the same from what that were spoken.Based on memory and hearing.

The Dean was quoted,

Uneducated people sees things differently from us,the educated ones.They see the Trees as just that,Trees.But we sees it as food source,and source for drug making.

Later in life you will understand why education is important.

Everything in life,the journey;will make you different.

[in Medicinal Chemistry class.we’re on the topic of Genesis of Drugs.]

Prof. Fuad was quoted,

We’re all living in a situation where everyone is vulnerable.

You see music, You hear color..

[in Pharmacy Practice class.on the topic of Drugs Abuse.]

*will add another next time.sleepyyyyy!!!!*


Untuk Kau

I don’t know your face no more
Or feel your touch that I adore
I don’t know your face no more
It’s just a place I’m looking for
We might as well be strangers in another town
We might as well be living in a different world
We might as well..

I don’t know your thoughts these days
We’re strangers in an empty space
I don’t understand your heart
It’s easier to be apart

We might as well be strangers in another town
We might as well be living in a another time
We might as well..
We might as well be strangers
Be strangers

For all I know of you now
For all I know

Apa khabar?
