
Penempatan Kolej 09/10

Komen : SGT tak puas hati.


Semua sistem Merit n Kuota yg disogok-sogok sblm ni semua PENIPU BELAKA.

Kenape lak penipu belaka??

Sebab…ak dan roomate ak n due student chinese je bdk fakulti kitorang yg ditempatkan di salah1 kolej luar.Padahal,SEMUA classmates (yg apply kolej) ditempatkan di K1.

Laaa..kot2 sbb merit ni…

Merit hamende??Merit ak lagi tinggi dari sesetengah classmates yg dpt K1.Roomate ak pun dkt2 ak je.

Oh…tapi bkn ke kuota fakulti agak besar??kenape still tak dpt?

Haaaa tau xpe..Ak pn nak tanye soalan same.Kenape tak dpt?Why?Teori ak,mereka2 yg bertanggungjawab meletakkan student kali ni ikut list name je.Kate ikut kuota.Terkeluar,terkeluar la.Sbb kenape name ak still ngan roomate ak an?And kenape kawan ak FSKB tak dpt K1 padahal merit beratus-ratus,kalah separuh dari classmates ak yg dpt K1?Kenape ek?Sebab nak bagi ruang utk student FFAR yg beruntung dpt kuota byk?

Sah.Penempatan FFAR ikut kuota ni.Most probably.

Mungkin jugak…


Budak fakulti lain mesti agak dengki dgn korang,bdk FFAR.Hik3.

Cehh.Tu la.Memang patut pun.I mean,suke2 je bdk2 FFAR dpt K1 padahal merit sket.Semua kuota punye pasal.Logik la kalau ada yg jealous.

You know what?


Ak tak kesah kalau selama ni takdek 1 manusia pun kat kolej yg dok heboh pasal kepentingan merit.Masalahnye,selame hidup ak kat K1 sbg 1st year,asyik kena je dgn ‘Merit Tinggi Dapat K1!!’Macam penting sungguh.Huh.Penglipur lara rupenye.Cakap je la yg Merit tu takde kaitan dgn penempatan kolej………………………(at least to FFAR la.Fakulti lain ak tak pasti)

Alasan nak suruh org penuhkan DSG la tuuuu.

Hahaha.Kau la salah seorang budak2 1st year yg dok penuh kat DSG tu?O I C..

Cehhh.Lagi bengang sbb ak wat mende2 ni bkn sbb merit.Dah mmg kadang2 tu bende menarik kan.Pegi la.Tak payahla cerite merit tu.Kalau org nak datang,orang datang.Orang taknak,kosong la.Nak wat camne isu tak menarik.Pastu…~

Isshh.Panjang dah ni.Pendekkan je la cerita.In short?Hehe.

In short???Susah ni.

Hmmm..Senang cakap,ak just nak tau kenape name ak n roomate ak asyik lain dari student fakulti.Mase awal2 masuk UKM dulu,kenape ak n roomate ak shj yg dpt blok lain dari hampir semua classmates?(2 org je lagi kat blok lg 1.tapi diorang dpt K1 kali ni.So,as always,ak n roomate sekali lg…tercampak..)Tu je la nak tau.

So…skang nak wat ape?

Ape lagi?REPORT la!Tanye la pihak bertanggugjawab.At least dapat acceptable explanation pun jadi la.

Dan someone sila mengaku yg cerita2 Merit dan Kuota ni TIPU.Cite lebat je.Cite world.

Atau mungkin ak silap tentang ni.So,wait and see.

——————————————————-Hopefully to be continued————————————————-


In My Mind

Did I drive you away?
I know what you’ll say.
You’ll say, “Oh, sing one we know”
But I promise you this,
I’ll always look out for you
That’s what I’ll do.

And sing “oh”
I’ll sing “oh”

My heart is yours
It’s you that I hold on to
That’s what I’ll do
But I know I was wrong,
And I won’t let you down.
(Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah I will, yes I will…)

But I’ll sing “oh”
I cry “oh”

Yeah I saw sparks,
Yeah I saw sparks,
And I saw sparks,
Yeah I saw sparks,
Singing out…

La, la, la, la, oh…
La, la, la, la, oh…
La, la, la, la, oh…
La, la, la, la, oh…

Coldplay – Sparks

As the time goes by…

How I wonder why…

(still sketching the T Shirt design for Hari Interaksi Farmasi 09/10.Ngantuk gile nii!!)



(So long since last time I posted!!!)

Today I just finished the Forensic Pharmacy test (30% final exam marks so it’s very important).At first, I thought the term ‘forensic’ is for those stuff in CSI.Hahaha.Well, it’s not.It’s actually the law and regulations that regulate the pharmacy practice and profession.We got 5 objective questions and 5 essays.Prof. said that in Law, we all need to be very particular.That means accurate acts and regulations must be written.Jangan hentam-hentam tukar ayat.We’ve to memorise the exact acts,sections,amendments,regulations, bla bla bla.OMG.I’d rather memorise human anatomy and physiology (really?haha) than those.If I’m going to continue further education,I’m kind of sure that I’ll not going to go deep into Law.The books were like…hmmmpphhh.I want pictures!!!!But I guess that’s what the Law students must endure in their 3 years of degree (Is it 4?Not sure).Law is great stuff.When I talk about Law and those sections,acts bla bla bla,I think of myself as a more mature person.Hahaha.I always thought of it like that.You can’t talk Law when you don’t learn Law.I think that’s the rule.

Overall,my test would be Average.I hope so.There’s this one entry in the Provisional Registration (s.6) law that I just make up the words because I don’t remember the exact ones.From “Any qualifications listed in First Schedule (List Of Registrable Qualifications) s.6(1)(a)” to “Graduated from Institutions listed in First Schedule (List Of Registrable Qualifications) s.6(1)(a)”Adoiii.That’s wrong.You can’t make up the words like that.Duhh.

After this we won’t be having Forensic Pharmacy paper anymore (Not really sure about this) except when we’re graduated and on the way to do housemanship,then we’ll be having Forensic Pharmacy paper for real,for qualifying ourselves as pharmacists who know their Laws.Now I’ve a new profound respect for the Law students.Not that I don’t think like this before, but it’s different when I’m really learning a bit about it.That’s it,just a bit.So it’s a new kind of respect.Majulah Undang-Undang Untuk Negara!~

But for now,if someone asks me about Law,my answer will still be; “Ehmm…law?Err……”

p/s:Respek kat my sister,3rd year Law student at UIAM.Good luck in studying Law!!!
