
Lanzhou – Jiayuguan #3

From this post on I will put the places as titles (because Im bad at titles) I’ll put up pics when Im able to get on pc


In early morning Lanzhou, the train station was already flooded by people as we tried to find ourselves taxis to tour around the key attractions as we dont have much time until 5.30pm train to Jiayuguan. I picked Lanzhou because of its history and significance other than as the connecting city as we go westward. We found a pleasant guy from the many locals who promoted their services and decided to talk to him.

We entered his car together with a kid and an old guy crammed inside thinking we’re heading to the attractions we thought we made him understand from the phrases and translations. Alas, we realized he’s going farther out from town and climbed onto hilly zig zagging roads. Me and my friend knew we arent going to where we thought we agreed upon but it was already too far and long gone…partly from our impatience to not wait around at the train station in the cold. The penance for this is getting a ride to an unknown location in a foreign country with the inability to speak the language. Fuck I guess! I kept talking to my friend to be calm and we’ll figure this out once we arrive to where he was also bringing the other 2 passengers. Because there was NO WAY you could ask to be let out on that mountainous road man…and it was so.cold. Our enemy is the damn weather!!

Suddenly he asked us if we needed a toilet break. We’re like yeah sure but WHERE? In the middle of these endless barren mountains? Then he climbed a steep road and put a break on the car. He directs us to a (can you guess it) local’s house that is situated halfway below the ground level where the car was parked. We walked to the yard with the driver and he presumedly tell them abt us needing toilet. The house itself was unlike any Ive ever seen before online nor real life! I tried to act normal but inside I was so intrigued. The paintings on the tiles, the design of the yard, the outhouse as the toilet etc not to forget the intimidating guard dog.


We thanked them profusedly and hike back to the car. As we get in the other 2 passengers smiled and seemed didnt mind abt the time we spent there. It was about half an hour I think. I wonder how did they control their bladder in this cold 😂

It took is ~2hrs to arrive at a town here. It was dusty, a little hot from a 10am sun but prickly cold. Once we get telco lines back we looked up the gps. We’re in Linxia.

